Over the course of the last few years, I have found myself gravitating toward a more natural way of life. I have, for the most part, switched to chemical-free cleaning products and have discovered the myriad of uses for essential oils. I like that I can get the job done without the chemicals but I really love the scent of the essential oils.
I have diffusers for both the house and the car. Generally, in the house, I use Immunity and Stress Away, while I keep a bottle of Calm in the car. I have ordered another diffuser for the bedroom and plan to use lavender oil to create a better sleep atmosphere.
I use several oils in my beauty routine. I add a blend of oils to my shampoo bottle. Peppermint stimulates hair follicles and rosemary stimulates blood circulation, encouraging healthy growth. Rosemary is also helpful with a dry, itchy scalp. Ylang-ylang repairs dry, damaged hair, while frankincense works as a moisturizer. Lemon oil adds shine.
For a beauty cream, I mix a blend of frankincense, tea tree, myrrh, grapefruit, helichrysum, lavender, ylang-ylang, lemon, sandalwood, vanilla, and turmeric with coconut oil. I store it in a half-pint mason jar and use a pretty guitar pick to scoop it out. The jar seems to last forever.

An effective and gentle makeup remover comes from mixing a cup of distilled water with a tablespoon of olive oil, 1 1/2 teaspoons of witch hazel, six drops of lavender, and six drops of frankincense. Not only does it do a great job at removing makeup, but I also noticed that it makes my skin really soft.
Instead of the artificial perfume aroma of most air fresheners, I fill a glass spray bottle with water and add essential oil. A squeeze of the trigger fills the air with a light, lovely aroma.
One of my favorite discoveries is a non-chemical bug repellant that actually works. The blend of rosemary, lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, orange, and citronella is effective at deterring insects. I have made a spray with coconut oil and water that worked well but I didn’t particularly care for the feel of it. The coconut oil made it feel thick and heavy. I have a new recipe using witch hazel and alcohol instead of coconut oil so I will have to see if I like that better. I am going camping this week and will definitely test it out.
I will also be taking bug repellant candles with us. They work well and are beautiful. I slice a lemon and split the pieces evenly between two Mason jars. I do the same thing with a lime and then add two rosemary sprigs to each jar. I fill the jars up about 3/4 of the way with water and then add five drops each of lemon and eucalyptus oil to one jar and 10 drops of citronella oil to the other. Add a floating candle to each jar, light them and you have a beautifully scented candle that keeps the bugs away.

There are so many uses for essential oils that I will never have time to learn them all but I am enjoying the journey of discovery.
Let me know how the bug repellent candles work!
I’m going to try the makeup remover when I can get all of the ingredients.
We’ve used the candles before and they work very well.
Nice read. Love the use of essential oils for their fragrance. Thanks for the post.
I love using essential oils and you’ve mentioned some new ways for my to incorporate them! I never thought to make a makeup remover!
I never realized how versatile they are. The more I learn about them, the more I love them.
I need to try your natural bug repellant. I’m not particularly eager to use chemicals, but I haven’t found anything natural that works.
I still go to the Deep Woods Off if there are a lot of mosquitos, but it works pretty well for an average night.
I’ve never known what to do with essential oils. And I am such a target for bug bites. I can’t wait to try those candles out even around my house when we eat outside. Thanks for sharing the wonderful idea!
The candles have worked really well for us.
Very cool! I have only dabbled here and there with essential oils
I am not that well versed in them yet, but from what I’ve seen, they are fabulous.
Love the idea of the candles. We sit out on our porch during the summer, and I would rather be smelling homemade candles, rather than nasty bug repellant. Will have to give it a shot!
They are definitely more pleasant than the chemicals.
I am also a big believer in essential oils. I love your recipes here. For sleep I use a combination of lavender, cedar wood, and vetiver. Thanks for all these new ideas!
I had to buy a second diffuser so we could have one just for sleeping. It makes such a difference.
Lavendar is a staple here with a family ridden with anxiety, and we’ve switched to all green and natural cleaning products. I had only ever seen the pre-made oils and didn’t know we could make our own.
It is such a refreshing switch to make.
Have you noticed a difference in your hair?
To be fair, I have also stopped coloring my hair, so not sure if the difference is due to adding the oils or the new lack of chemicals or a little bit of both. Whatever it is, my hair is much softer than it was.
I love essential oils! The candle looks so beautiful! I’m curious to know how well it works.
The candles have worked nicely for us.
I am always in need of ideas for repelling bugs that works!
We still use Off when we’re deep in the woods, but otherwise the oils have worked nicely. We are in Florida now, so I’m curious to see how the oils work out here.
Great info! I too have discovered the benefits of essential oils, but am newly learning.
I’m still learning too, but so far it has been wonderful.
I love using essential oils too. And witch hazel! It does make an effective bug repellent.
I like that it isn’t sticky like the coconut oil was.